Baltic chemical company specializes in industrial cleaning services (industrial equipment, boilers and boiler rigs, heat exchangers, tanks and reservoirs, pipes, condensate, oil and steam pipe lines, heat systems, surfaces such as buildings, walls, floors, sideways, monuments etc.). Also we perform works on video diagnostics using endoscopy method.
We offer both one-time cleaning and maintained maintenance which includes periodic checks and prophylactical measures. Technoligies we use allow cleaning without dismantling customer's equipment, exclude it's damage. They are effective and ecologically safe.
All the equipment we use is owned by the company and is delivered to the work site along with the reagents by our own means. Cleaning method is chosen with the concurrence of the customer.
Genereal cleaning methods used by our company are:
- Chemical;
- Hydrodynamical;
- Mechanical;
- Wet sandblast;
- Combined;
- Cryogenic;
- Plasma.