Hydrodynamical cleaning


   Hydrodynamic cleaning - a cleaning method in engineering networks, in which sediment and impurities are removed and eliminated from the pipes by water jet under high pressure. Moreover, water is fed through a special nozzle.



Technology advantages:
• effective removal of any debris and sediment (sand, gravel, organic compounds, fats, etc.);
• reduces the load on the pipe, because the effect is aimed at a specific area;
• stored in the integrity weaknesses in the pipes;
• effective cleaning of pipelines with diameter up to 2000 mm;
• able to remove sediments depending on their physical and chemical properties;
• treated surfaces are not damaged;
• pressure improves the quality of cleaning 10 times.
- decreases the possibility of equipment failure;
• reduced the amount of waste.

Water jet is acting on the dirt element. She is fed under high pressure through a hydrodynamic nozzle. Speed resulting from farsunki water 350 m/s.
The movement of the nozzle and hose in the tank occurs via the holes that face backwards. They create jet thrust.

- flushing of heat exchangers
- cleaning of boilers

Engineering challenges:
• high quality cleaning of heat exchangers,tanks, conveying systems, reactors, autoclaves, pipes, coolers, evaporators, pipelines, production lines, trapping and other equipment;
• processing of welds, internal and external grant;
• degreasing.
• removal of coatings and rubber.
- Removal of rust, sludge, scale, accretions and other deposits, which are formed in the process;

How we will help You.
Baltic chemical company specializes in the cleaning of boilers. In our work, we have developed our own methods and perfectly use the experience that has been practiced in the industry.

In order to correctly perform the cleaning of the boiler requires a greater amount of theoretical knowledge and experience of skills.

Our company has established itself on the market maintenance equipment as one of the most reliable, work with us and cooperate as major equipment manufacturers and service stations. We are always ready and open to cooperation.